How can we find the clients for export markets?

Are you looking to sell directly to B2C or would like to sell to a business that would take care of the sales to the final customer? If B2B there are some basic steps to follow:

  1. Identify your limitations and capabilities
  2. Market analysis. Identify the country or the countries you will sell to.
  3. Size of the market
  4. Prices
  5. Made Locally or Imported
  6. Etc
  7. Recognize Your current customers (if you have) and identify the perfect customer
  8. Type of Retailer
  9. Type of Distributor
  10. Agent
  11. Type of Manufacturer
  12. Quantities they buy and etc
  13. Identify competitors
  14. Prices
  15. Sales Strategy
  16. Competitive advantages
  17. Etc
  18. Based on above create your sales/market penetration strategy and resources required.
  19. Start contacting the clients

Once you know your ideal client it is quite simple to find them using the tools available to you.

  • Google
  • Linkedin
  • There are in each country usually repositories with a list of companies. For example in UK The Wholesalers - FWD.
  • Conferences
  • Etc.

And the final advice. Do not email them at first. Call, try to get the person that is making decisions and arrange the meeting. Since during the meeting, you can recognize the issues they face, the requirement they need and offer solutions on the spot.

Hope this helps:)

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